At Life West Church, we believe each person, from conception to final breath, is intrinsically loved and treasured - by the Heavenly Father and by us. We know there is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ. Our hope for you as you view this page, whether as an advocate for life or as an individual in need of assistance, is that these resources may be a source of help. As followers of Jesus, we are to look first and foremost to God’s Word for direction, comfort and guidance. As a gathering of believers, our hearts are tender to those who are hurting and we intend to stand alongside women and families who are in need.
The mission of the Family LIFE Center is to demonstrate Christ’s love to young women experiencing unplanned pregnancies by equipping them for the challenges of Life.
Housing and support are available to young women who currently have no children in their care and who are choosing to make positive changes in their lives. The staff and board of the Family LIFE Center work in cooperation with supporting churches and designated community volunteers to provide a safe, caring, home environment with specific opportunities for social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth.
5945 Fillmore
Allendale, MI 49401
Right to Life of Michigan is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, nonprofit organization of diverse and caring people united to protect the precious gift of human life from fertilization to natural death.
We strive to achieve the passage and ratification of a Human Life Amendment, to educate people on identified Right to Life issues, to motivate them to action, to encourage community support and the participation in programs and legislation that foster respect and protection for human life and to promote and support prolife candidates.
We work on the behalf of defenseless or vulnerable human beings, born and unborn, within our identified life issues of abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Our Mission: At Grace's Table, we want teen moms to feel loved, cared for, and part of a community. We don't want them to live in isolation and apart from advocacy and hope. We believe teen moms deserve hope, mentorship, hospitality, and the benefit of a team that will help them find resources, learn life skills, and gain access to healing through mental health support services. As a team, we encourage them, equip them, and walk alongside them as they move towards their full potential as parents and adults
If you think you might be pregnant and are not sure what to do next, we are here for you. At Positive Options, we'll provide you with services and resources you need, at no cost. Our professional and caring staff will help you navigate through ALL your options regarding an unplanned pregnancy so you can make and informed decision.
Services include confidential pregnancy testing and, upon assessment, ultrasound (at no cost to you)
We believe in:
The Value of Life
Life begins at conception and God is the author of life. He created men and women in His image, and therefore, all human life deserves to be valued and protected.
The Reality of Abortion
Abortion ends a human life and the impacts on those affected by abortion are harmful, long-lasting and often unacknowledged.
Offering Educated Choices
Women often choose abortion as a reaction to personal crisis and lack of options. Pregnancy centers offer resources, education, and support to women and men to help them choose life.
Empowering Women
When we support women with love and compassion it has the power to not only transform her life, but also empower her to choose life for her child.
Transformative Action
In order to end abortion, we must inspire the culture to value life and respond to women in love. Changed actions are a result of changed hearts and minds.
800-57-WOMAN — Michigan
866-767-2466 — Spanish
877-LIFE-OPTIONS — For Men
800-712-4357 — Option Line (National)
Text HELPLINE to 313131
866-733-7733 — Safe Delivery Hotline
Safe Delivery allows parents to safely surrender their newborn child no more than 72 hours old to an employee who is inside and on duty at any hospital, fire department, police station, or by calling 911. This program is a safe, legal, and anonymous alternative to abandonment or infanticide and releases the newborn for placement with an adoptive family.
877-558-0333 — For Immediate Assistance
619-577-0997 — For Non-Emergency Information
If a woman has taken the first dose of the abortion pill (RU-486), there is still hope! Before the second pill is taken, there is an effective process for reversing the abortion pill called Abortion Pill Reversal. The goal is to start the reversal treatment within the first 24 hours of taking the abortion pill, but many successful reversals have still occurred when treatment was started within 72 hours of taking the abortion pill.
Post-Abortion Help Hotlines
1 (877) 586-4621 – Lumina is a post-abortion referral network that offers retreats, counseling and other services.
1 (800) 57-WOMAN – Right to Life of Michigan has a 24-hour toll-free hotline that is operated by OptionLine to find people local agencies in Michigan that offer post-abortive counseling, pregnancy help and adoption referrals.
Post-Abortive Retreats
Rachel’s Vineyard offers weekend retreats for those suffering from an abortion experience to enter into a non-judgmental safe place to think and explore their feelings about abortion. Rachel’s Vineyard believes it is important for them to grieve the loss of their unborn child before they can take the steps toward healing and forgiveness. For more information, click the links below.
Families and Abortion
Women are not the only ones who can feel the pain and suffering brought about by an abortion. Studies show that abortion can also leave families heartbroken. Fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings also feel the residual undesirable impact of abortion.
Recommended Books:
Changed by Michaelene Fredenburg – This is a collection of short stories told by people who have experienced abortion directly or indirectly.
Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion by Theresa Burke – Written by a counselor who has devoted more than 18 years to helping women come to terms with their past abortions.
Forgiven and Set Free: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Women by Linda Cochrane – This bible study encourages women to come to terms with their abortion and find healing and forgiveness.
Healing a Father’s Heart: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Men by Linda Cochrane – This bible study encourages men to come to terms with their abortion and find healing and forgiveness.
Her Choice to Heal: Finding Spiritual and Emotional Peace after Abortion by Sydna Masse – The author is a post-abortive woman who found healing through Christian faith and wants to share her message of hope to other suffering women.
Men and Abortion: A Path to Healing by C.T. Coyle – This book is for men involved in the abortion process.
Redeeming a Father’s Heart by Burke, Welmhoff & Stockwell – This book is a collection of real stories from men who have experienced abortion
Christian Healthcare Centers
3322 Beltline Court NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Clinica Santa Maria
Saint Mary’s Health Care
730 Grandville Avenue SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
616-742-1322 TEXT