Meals Ministry
The Meals Ministry at Life West Church is an excellent way to serve others, share the love of the Jesus, and make a difference in someone’s life. The purpose is simply to help someone in need by providing a ready-made meal. It is the desire of the Life West’ congregation to be intentional in caring for and serving one another, especially in a time of need. When we experience these times, it is an incredible blessing to see a friendly face and receive a meal. Our meal ministry centers around significant life events. When a friend is in need, everyone wonders, “What can I do to help?” One answer is to provide a meal!

“…For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in….The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers of mine, you did for me.’ ” Matthew 25:35,40 (NIV)
Make A Meal.
Babies, unexpected glitches in schedules, accidents…we’ve all been there. Many of us have benefitted from a meal that was delivered in a time of need. This is one opportunity for us to forward the blessing on to others. Oh, and see that pretty lasagna above? Yeah, yours doesn’t need to be that pretty. Frozen meal? Pizza Gift Card? Yes, please! Tasty comes in all different forms!
Deliver a Meal.
Many people have the ability to make a meal but might not be able to deliver it. Others make a mess of the kitchen but know how to navigate roads like whizzes. Is that you? We’d love to have you help us with meal delivery.
Request a Meal.
When able, Life West Church loves to provide a meal for those in our congregation who are recovering from medical issues, personal crisis or loss, or have newborn infants.